Thrive Automator Dynamic Name Mapping


Tech Stack Integrator

Using Thrive Automator (part of Thrive Suite), you can pass lead information from a third-party tool like ConvertBox and register users to your free courses as lead magnets, register for paid courses, or even enroll them in your membership. 

Thrive Automator can now continue to pass that data through to your autoresponder (email marketing tool) and map data such as first and last names.

Check out the video version of this tutorial below.

Let’s take a look at how easy this is to get started.

Create a Webhook Trigger

The first step is to create a new automation in Thrive Automator and set the trigger to be Incoming Webhook. Copy the webhook URL because you’re going to need to use that soon.

Map Incoming Data

Webhooks have Key and Data or Value pairs. For our webhook, we want to make sure that we properly identify the Key name that’s coming in from our third-party tool. For example, here are the keys ConvertBox sends over:


The keys are usually intuitive, but every tool has their own way of sending data. You’ll want to make sure you know what keys your tool sends over. 

An easy way to find out is to send in a test. 

Send a Test Response

Press the “Listen” button below the Key and value section. 

Go to your third-party leadgen tool and send a test webhook to the URL you previously copied.

You will now see the keys and the type of data that are sent over. I recommend you remove everything you won’t use, and make sure the email field is the “email” type.

Click Done.

Find or Create a User

We want our automation to create an account on our website or identify the user based on their email address. To do this, we use the “Find or Create User” action.

Here’s where we can now map the data directly to the user’s WordPress account dynamically.

For each of these fields, click the dynamic content button (the discs stacked on the right) and select Webhook data. Map the first and last names as desired.

For the user role, in most cases you will leave this as Subscriber.

If the user already existed, the automation will not create a new user. Instead, it will apply all subsequent actions in the automation to the user identified by their email address.

Grant Access to a Product

If you’re using this data to funnel users into a course, membership or other Product controlled by Thrive Apprentice, your next step is to to add the “Grant Access to a Product” action to your automation.

Here you can select which product the newly created or found user gets access to when this automation finishes.

In our example, we’re using this to grant access to a free course when someone gives us their name and email address. So we’ll choose our Free Training: How to Get Started with Thrive Theme Builder (hint: want this training? You can click the link to enroll and see this tutorial in action!).

Add User in Autoresponder

Now we can optionally add the user to our autoresponder and continue to pass the data we collected from the webhook and sent over to Thrive Automator.

Add the “Add User in Autoresponder” action.

Select the autoresponder you’ve integrated with Thrive Suite. In my case, this is FluentCRM.

Now you can select which list and tags you want to add the user to on your list.

Next, drop down the bar that says “Field mapping” and you’ll find a familiar looking section to map a field and a value.  

Once again select the dynamic content button and find the Webhook data. Map the name fields you wish to map to your autoresponder.

Looking to map custom fields? Check out my other tutorial on how to map custom fields.

Your automation is now complete!